August 4, 2022
Posted by: DevDigital
Earning a higher spot in Google’s search engine results is a high priority for many businesses, which is sensible considering how important Google is. Only a couple of people know why Google’s search algorithm puts one site a bit higher in the rankings than another, similar site. That said, search engine optimization (SEO) experts know that Google uses numerous factors to evaluate the relevance of a site to specific queries and to evaluate the quality of information on the site. The acronym E-A-T (Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness) summarizes three key indicators of quality that Google uses. The term dated back to a 2018 Google update to the search algorithm.
In the simplest possible terms, E-A-T reflects the quality of a site’s content. A site written by an expert in the field, using recent data, and linking to high-quality sites on related topics should look good to Google. A site on healthy aging run by a couple of doctors who specialize in the topic, who write most of the content, and who have links coming in from related sites is probably a pretty good source of information on the topic. Google’s search algorithm would tend to put this site high up the results in searches related to healthy aging. A site hosted by an unknown person who has old data and no links to reputable medical sites might not be worth visiting.
Savvy consumers of online information would probably avoid the second site. The experts at Google know this, so their search algorithm evaluates a site’s quality in a variety of ways. While Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness don’t directly affect a site’s ranking, the variables that comprise those things do.
Several factors that influence your Google ranking on a given search term also contribute to expertise, authority, and trust. Search Engine Journal reports that Google’s rating team uses standards like these: rate content:
Yes, Google employees do a review and evaluate sites. They do this to ensure that the search algorithm is delivering quality results. The factors described above all indicate that content is authoritative and valuable. Once you know what “high quality” means to Google, you can write better content, both for your site’s visitors and for search engine optimization purposes.
If you want to increase your search engine rankings, that will take a multi-pronged effort carried out over several months. With that in mind, look for ways to improve the value of your content. Regardless of whether you ever want to think about Google’s E-A-T again, you can use the principle to help you improve your site in several ways, including these:
Don’t forget to build that content around carefully chosen keywords. Those indicators of quality will raise your reputation over time as they also help your search engine rankings.
Quality content makes your site more valuable to visitors, which tends to make it look better to Google. Think in terms of what makes for high-quality content from Google’s perspective, then focus on creating that content. While you are at it, use the right keywords the right way so that Google’s software can better understand your site. If your site needs to work harder to attract leads or customers, DevDigital can help. Contact us to set up a short call with our digital marketing team.